From "original accumulation" to terminal accumulation. Dispossession and commodification in REDD+ projects

Keywords: Dispossession, commodification, original accumulation, REDD , terminal accumulation


This article supports the thesis according to which capitalist dispossession has taken a qualitative leap in the context of the global ecological crisis. Previously it was characterized by separating direct workers from their means of production, but through the construction of climatic markets, capitalist dispossession has begun to separate workers from the ecological conditions indispensable for production. The process that began with the division of the worker with respect to the land in what was known as "original accumulation" begins to reach its climax in the 21st century when the last bond that united the worker with nature has begun to break. This is what is called terminal accumulation and is distinguished by the fact that capital seeks to appropriate the last dimension of the planet's nature that remained outside its logic: the regulation of the ecological conditions essential for the production and human existence. As a specific example of this leap, the processes of dispossession and commodification of carbon deposits and flows involved in the CO2 emission reduction projects promoted by the UN to combat climate change are analyzed in depth.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Vega Ruiz, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México - México

Doctorando en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, profesor en la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM)


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How to Cite
Vega Ruiz, R. (2020). From "original accumulation" to terminal accumulation. Dispossession and commodification in REDD+ projects. Religación, 5(25), 180-193.