Challenges in the local implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico

Keywords: Sustainable development, development indicators, public management, budgets, 2030 agenda


Five years since the 2030 Agenda’s approval, implementing each of its objectives, goals, and indicators is still a pending subject. We can observe this mostly at a local level, and also in these times’ context, considering the global pandemic we are facing nowadays also forces us to accelerate actions towards sustainable development. On this ambiance, this paper’s objective is to contribute by reviewing official methodology references and the most reputable steps taken on mainstreaming the Sustainable Development’s Objectives (SDG’s). The starting point lies in a primary investigation about different methodological guides developed internationally and nationally, as well as some replicated examples about the SDG’s implementation in Hidalgo State. An analysis of different institutions and budgetary programs -at the Results’ Index Counterfolls level- is made. We can observe that although a significant effort into SDGs mainstreaming is made, we still lack appropriate methods so verified and validated indicators can measure them for the Agenda reports. Strategies and local capacities require reinforcement since the main challenge on articulating global and local goals is found on this level. Keywords: Sustainable development, development indicators, public management, budgets, 2030 agenda.


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Author Biography

José Iván Ramírez Avilés, El Colegio del Estado de Hidalgo - México

Doctor en Urbanismo por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Maestro en Población y Desarrollo por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO, México) y Licenciado en Sociología Urbana por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM-X). Profesor investigador del Colegio del Estado de Hidalgo, Sistema Nacional de Investigadores-Conacyt.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Avilés, J. I. (2020). Challenges in the local implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico. Religación, 5(26), 101-116.