The Borges from Fervor of Buenos Aires: his porteño vision across the use of the word

Keywords: Borges; Porteño; intimacy; language; light; arrabal.


The article deals with the work Fervor de Buenos Aires and in which Borges’ porteño vision is contrasted with the use of language giving rise to the style coined as Borgiano. The article contrasts the difference between Borges’ porteño vision and the language used in Fervor de Buenos Aires, where the language is analyzed from the point of view of the synchronic variety of Spanish. It is concluded that Borges’ language in Fervor is not the language of a porteño. This does not mean, however, that the use of standard Spanish in Fervor in any way weakens or undermines Borges’ porteño, intimate and personal vision.


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Author Biography

Esther Casares Carmona, Universidad de Salamanca - España

Máster en Letras Hispánicas por la Universidad de St Andrews (Reino Unido). Graduada en Filología Hispánica y Filología Inglesa en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.



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How to Cite
Casares Carmona, E. (2021). The Borges from Fervor of Buenos Aires: his porteño vision across the use of the word. Religación, 6(28), 207-213.