Dialectics of nature and entropy in Engels' thought. A discussion with the Ecological Economy

  • Gonzalo J. Flores Mondragón Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Morelos - México
Keywords: Engels, entropy, nature, dialectic, Malthus


If Marx's work has been misunderstood and misinterpreted (for various reasons), Engels's work has suffered the same fate. But in the case of the latter, his own career as a militant, scientist, friend and companion has been distorted, deformed and depreciated on several occasions. A very important aspect of this embezzlement of Engels' work is the misunderstanding of his concept of dialectics. From here it has been argued that he had a different concept and opposed to the concept of Marx. On the contrary, it is the same concept and it is the backbone of the entire work of the two thinkers. Current ecological thought, particularly Ecological Economics, urgently needs to recover the work of Engels - not only of Marx - within its theoretical horizon, paying careful attention to Engels' position on the second law of thermodynamics and on the criticism that made the population theory of Malthus, origin of the whole problem.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo J. Flores Mondragón, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Morelos - México

Doctor en Economía Política por la Facultad de Economía de la UNAM. Profesor de tiempo completo de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional-Morelos, Unidad 171 y profesor de la Academia de Economía Política de la Facultad de Economía de la UNAM. Investiga sobre capitalismo contemporáneo en relación con la naturaleza, la ecología, la devastación ambiental y la salud.


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How to Cite
Flores Mondragón, G. J. (2020). Dialectics of nature and entropy in Engels’ thought. A discussion with the Ecological Economy. Religación, 5(23), 78-89. Retrieved from https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/598