Cognitive Linguistics and Constructivism: a comparative analysis

Keywords: Cognitive linguistics; Constructivism; Modernity; Interdisciplinarity.


This article investigates the origins, bases and theoretical perspectives that cognitive linguistics may share with constructivism, taking into account that they are models and theories that began to be formed in the 1950s in response to the absolutism and positivism of modernity. The research was carried out based on a comparative analysis, illuminating the history of their origins and their main theoretical foundations. Among the results achieved, it is evident that they have similarities in: their historical context; the way they relate to other sciences; the way they construct knowledge and language; and the conception of reality. More similarities and differences can be found; however, the purpose of this article is to identify basic similarities in order to open a dialogue and trace a path of theoretical recognition between the two models.



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Author Biography

Aziza Muminova, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages - Uzbekistan

Senior Lecturer at the Department of General Linguistics.


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How to Cite
Muminova, A. (2021). Cognitive Linguistics and Constructivism: a comparative analysis. Religación, 6(27), 258-265.