Words and culture. Language, globalization and interculturality

Keywords: globalization, culture, sociology, linguistics


Globalization is a problem that can be understood from different angles, mainly as an economic and commercial factor; however, its expansion to other fields of life brings multiple advantages, but also has implications for 21st century societies. Culture is used as a mechanism of power to homogenize local cultures, as well as to use language to establish a language, a way of life, morality, customs, etc. Hence, the objective of this article is to analyze the use of language in globalized culture. To this end, some examples are used to show how language and culture have indeed crossed borders and become part of the social imaginary, causing a hybridization that touches on the components of national/cultural identity.



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Author Biography

Dilrabo Bakhronova, Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature - Uzbekistan

PhD, associate professor


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How to Cite
Bakhronova, D. (2021). Words and culture. Language, globalization and interculturality. Religación, 6(27), 239-246. https://doi.org/10.46652/rgn.v6i27.781