Geopolitics of the Amazon, die capitalism or die mother earth: Reflections on the thought of Alvaro García Linera the rights of Mother Earth

  • Álvaro Zarate Huayta “Willka” Biblioteca Indígena – Bolívia
Keywords: Amazon Geopolitics, Capitalism, Mother Earth, Álvaro García Linera, Bolivia


The aim of this article is to explain from Marxism, the problems of destruction of nature by Capitalism that are occurring in the world, such as destruction in the Amazon, by an Imperialist Geopolitics, will be based on Alvaro Garcia Linera’s thinking the rights policy of Mother Earth that faces the Plurinational State of Bolivia as a proposal to the world by President Evo Morales as an alternative to the ecological crisis that the planet is suffering, who denounced pollution and the depletion of resources and the commodification of nature. The destruction of the Amazon as a policy of interests of neoliberal governments will be based on the resistance and the proposal of the social and indigenous movements against capitalism.


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Author Biography

Álvaro Zarate Huayta “Willka”, Biblioteca Indígena – Bolívia

Académico, escritor, investigador, es director de la Biblioteca Indígena, Pensamiento Crítico Latinoamericano y Patria Grande Ediciones, miembro del Grupo Latinoamericano de Antropología Critica, profesor en diversas universidades.


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How to Cite
Zarate Huayta “Willka”, Álvaro. (2019). Geopolitics of the Amazon, die capitalism or die mother earth: Reflections on the thought of Alvaro García Linera the rights of Mother Earth. Religación, 4(22), 21-28. Retrieved from