Commentary to the prologues of “The situation of the working class in England”, by Friedrich Engels 200 years after his birth

  • Josemanuel Luna-Nemecio Centro Universitario CIFE - México
Keywords: capitalist development, Engels, labor movement. proletarianized humanity, Marxism.


The study offers commentary on the Prologues of the book “The situation of the working class in England” written by Friedrich Engels in 1845. The purpose of this research is to commemorate two hundred years of the birth of Engels, considering him as a nodal thinker to think about the situation of the world proletarianized humanity in the 21st century. The main results were: 1) there is a continuity in the theoretical and political argument developed in Engels' analysis presented in the three Prologues analyzed; 2) for Engels there is a relationship between the development of contemporary capitalism and the conditions of possibility for the political organization of the proletariat; 3) Engels' thought is a hub for thinking about the living conditions of proletarianized humanity in the 21st century.


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Author Biography

Josemanuel Luna-Nemecio, Centro Universitario CIFE - México

Doctor en Geografía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Profesor Investigador en el Centro Universitario CIFE (México). Investigador en Ekap University (Estados Unidos). Líneas de investigación: crítica de la economía política con énfasis en estudios territoriales, recursos hídricos, cambio climático y desarrollo social sostenible


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How to Cite
Luna-Nemecio, J. (2020). Commentary to the prologues of “The situation of the working class in England”, by Friedrich Engels 200 years after his birth. Religación, 5(23), 16-30.