That rare thing called academy. Analysis of an atypical social construction

  • Bogar Escobar Hernández Universidad de Guadalajara - México
Keywords: academia, knowledge, world of life, originality, counterpoint.


The specific objective of the present work is to delineate the main features that characterize the work of the members of the academy, having as an axis of analysis their differentiated and eccentric identity condition with respect to the habitual patterns of activity in the societal space. Being the essence of this particularity the aspiration to the exploration and transmission of knowledge in its different aspects. An unusual aspiration in the framework of the prevalence of economic interest as a dominant aspiration in the various professional occupations. Hence, the social group of academics is a prototypical case of the diversity of needs present in the human being, and consequently, of the social creations with which they seek to satisfy, the ultimate reason for the existential counterpoints that have been verified in the course of civilization.


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Author Biography

Bogar Escobar Hernández, Universidad de Guadalajara - México

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales con especialidad en Antropología Social por el Centro de Investigaciones Superiores en Antropología Social de Occidente. Maestro en Antropología Social por el Colegio de Michoacán.


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How to Cite
Escobar Hernández, B. (2019). That rare thing called academy. Analysis of an atypical social construction. Religación, 4(15), 225-233. Retrieved from