Citizenships and Plurinationality: Lines of Tension in the Reflexions of the Comuna Group

  • Maddalena Cerrato Texas A&M University - Estados Unidos
Keywords: García Linera, Comuna, Nation, Multi-nation, Motley Society


This text offers a critical discussion of the question of plurinational democracy in the political context of Bolivia, engaging in particular with the theoretical reflections on this matter presented by Álvaro García Linera and by Luis Tapia as part of their philosophical and political work with the Comuna Group. What is at stake is first problematizing the univocal understanding of the concept of plurinationality and considering critically the theoretical and political implications of the diverse possible variants of the idea and the project of a plurinational democracy. Secondly, through the analysis of the commonalities and differences in the ways García Linera and Tapia address the question of a plurinational nation, the article seeks to focus on the main lines of confrontation along which the internal debate of the Comuna group took shape.


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Author Biography

Maddalena Cerrato, Texas A&M University - Estados Unidos

*Instructional Assistant Professor. Director of Undergraduate Studies. Department of International Studies


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How to Cite
Cerrato, M. (2019). Citizenships and Plurinationality: Lines of Tension in the Reflexions of the Comuna Group. Religación, 4(16), 82-88. Retrieved from