The studies of Alvaro Garcia Linera on the new working conditions in Bolivia

  • Luis Hessel Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora - Argentina
Keywords: neoliberalism; mineworkers; García Linera; Boliva; trade workers union.


The following article analyzes the contributions of Álvaro García Linera dedicated to the study and analysis of the transformations in the world of work since the middle of the 1980s and the emergence of the new working class in Bolivia. Through a series of research focused on the study of the impact of neoliberal policies in the mining sector, he tried to explain to what extent the modification of the material structure modified the subjective structures of workers and their status as historical subjects. In a global context marked by the closure of revolutionary processes and the rise of the United States of America as an imperial power; and in the local, signified by the defeat of the proletariat in Calamarca and a brutal offensive of capital against the historical conquests of the working class and the popular sectors.


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Author Biography

Luis Hessel, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora - Argentina

*Colectivo de contrainformación Contrahegemonia Web. Psicólogo Social - Periodista - Investigador de la Cátedra Libre de Historia Argentina y Latinoamericana UNLZ.


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How to Cite
Hessel, L. (2019). The studies of Alvaro Garcia Linera on the new working conditions in Bolivia. Religación, 4(16), 104-110. Retrieved from