The spark of political participation: mapuce women histories during the pulmari conflict

  • Suyai Malen García Gualda CONICET, Universidad Nacional del Comahue - Argentina
Keywords: Mapuce, native women, territorial conflicts, gender


The territorial dispute, which began in 1995, in Pulmarí was, from our point of view, a milestone in the recent history of the Mapuce People / Nation. This place is located in the Neuquen mountain range, northern region of Patagonia Argentina. Since 1995, women began to create closer links that have facilitated them with various transformation processes and political negotiation. Therefore, in this article we want to specifically address the political participation of mapuce women in the aforementioned dispute.

Our focus is to learn the organizational strategies that they developed and the participation spaces where they have engaged. For this purpose, we care to present their stories, their tales, and their experiences of the struggle. Should be added that according to the proposed objectives, we will be using bibliographical materials resulting from an arduous process of theoretical inquiry and information obtained throughout our fieldwork.


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Author Biography

Suyai Malen García Gualda, CONICET, Universidad Nacional del Comahue - Argentina

Politóloga. Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales por la UNCuyo. Magíster en Género, Sociedad y Políticas.

Becaria doctoral de CONICET en CEHEPYC-UNCo, docente en FADECS-UNCo, Argentina.


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How to Cite
García Gualda, S. M. (2016). The spark of political participation: mapuce women histories during the pulmari conflict. Religación, 1(2), 9-24. Retrieved from