Wise men and their marks of authority: between Hesiod and Nahuatl poetry

  • María Cecilia Colombani UBACyT – ARGENTINA
Keywords: Authority; Wise men; Hesiod; Nahuatl poetry.


The purpose of this article is to analyze the prologue of Theogony in order to think about the authority that the Muses confer on Hesiod. We intend to highlight the type of indications that they give to him to understand the register of authority that is deployed by electing him as their servant. By tracing the characteristics that define a teacher of truth, we will try to establish a comparative reading with Nahuatl poetry, based on the annotations and compilations of the oral tradition that Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (1499-1590) overturned in his General History of the Things of New Spain.


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Author Biography

María Cecilia Colombani, UBACyT – ARGENTINA

Doctora en Filosofía. Directora de la carrera de Filosofía. Investigadora Principal. Profesora Titular Regular de Antropología Filosófica de la Facultad de Filosofía, Ciencias de la Educación y Humanidades. Universidad de Morón. Profesora Titular de Filosofía Antigua Facultad de Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Investigadora UBACyT


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LIDDEL, H. G., Scott, R. (1996) A Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford, Clarendin Press.

LIÑARES, Lucía. (2005) Hesíodo Teogonía, Trabajos y Días. Edición bilingüe, Buenos Aires, Losada.

LEÓN-PORTILLA, Miguel. (1997) La Filosofìa Nahuátl. México. UNAM.

SAHAGÚN, fray Bernardino de. (1997) Historia General de las cosas de Nueva España, tomo II.

VIANELLO DE CÓRDOVA, Paola. (1978) Hesíodo Teogonía. Mé-xico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

How to Cite
Colombani, M. C. (2016). Wise men and their marks of authority: between Hesiod and Nahuatl poetry. Religación, 1(4), 49-61. Retrieved from https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/59