The historical construction of the slave in Brazil: Some considerations

  • Samuel Silveira Martins Universidad Internacional del Ecuador – Ecuador
Keywords: Slave work; Slave economy; Colonial Brazil; Abolitionism; Brazilian literature.


Slavery in Brazil is a vigorous object of analysis in Brazilian Sociology, being significant in the literature of famous authors since the seventeenth century. This paperwork aims at discussing the problematic concerning the slavery system in Brazilian society, in the intersection between sociology and literature, understanding that it is constituted not only by the lord/slave economic relationship, but also by the social construction of cultural prerogatives that produce the actions of these authors in their daily lives. We will approach the elements found in the voices of writers like Antonil, Azeredo Coutinho, Joaquim Nabuco and Machado de Assis. All these authors are representative of their time and in their works they have analyzed or illustrated their perspective of the colonial and/or post-colonial living, crystallizing them through their discourses.


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Author Biography

Samuel Silveira Martins, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador – Ecuador

Mágíster en Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo, Universitat de València, España. Profesor adjunto en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Comunicación, Escuela de Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Silveira Martins, S. (2016). The historical construction of the slave in Brazil: Some considerations. Religación, 1(4), 77-94. Retrieved from