Transformation of the OPAQ from a technical organism to a political. Consequences for world peace and security
The present work corresponds to an investigation of the transformation of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons from a technical organism to a political organism. The proposed objective was to analyze the doctrinal approach of Blokker on the fundamental principles attributing competence, with the purpose of interpreting the principle of specialty on which the conferring of competences or powers assigned to an international organization will be developed. For this, the quantitative methodology based on the bibliographic review of the literature and the doctrinal approaches of international organizations was implemented. In a conclusion, it is possible to point out that the role played by international organizations in compliance with universal norms that prohibit the development, production and stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction such as chemical weapons is essential for international peace; therefore, the transformation of competencies jeopardizes the impartiality of the organization.
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