Service quality and customer satisfaction. The case of light vehicle maintenance
The quality of vehicle service and maintenance presented problems such as lack of updated tools, shortage of supplies and spare parts, distrust, lack of qualified personnel and poor installation conditions in automotive mechanical workshops. For this reason, the objective of the research is to analyze the factors that influence the quality of light vehicle maintenance service and customer satisfaction in the city of Ambato. A survey was applied to 381 people in the city of Ambato and exploratory factorial statistical analysis was applied. As a result, five main components were revealed: loyalty/satisfaction, empathy, tangibles, sensitivity, and trust. However, it is important to improve understanding of customer needs, satisfaction, personalized attention, courtesy, friendliness, and the agreed vehicle repair time. For this reason, it is essential to offer the greatest possible attention with a friendly attitude towards customer complaints and needs.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Joselyn Estefania Bimboza Masaquiza, Lisbeth Alexandra Cárdenas Mora, Marcelo Javier Mancheno Saá
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