Accounting and tax training for commercial companies in Riobamba: an approach to technical and professional guidance
Riobamba shopping centers have experienced various problems and restrictions regarding accounting and tax issues due to ignorance of their obligations with the SRI, due to high costs in advisory services. The objective of the research work was to analyze the influence of professional accounting and tax training in commercial companies in the city of Riobamba. For which 363 surveys were applied to different shopping centers in the city, factors such as benefits, impediments, motivation strategies, technical assistance and professional participation were evaluated through a quantitative method with a correlational scope. Finally, it was concluded that accounting and tax training is extremely necessary for trading companies, since this will allow absolutely all operations carried out in organizations to be controlled.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Verónica Soledad Dillon Ricaurte, Roberto Carlos Erazo Brito, Gonzalo Fabián Erazo Brito
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