Analysis of financial indicators and their profitability in the automotive sector of the province of Tungurahua

  • Bertha Jeaneth Sánchez Herrera Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador
  • Luis Alfredo Tipan Días Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador
  • Patricia Paola Jiménez Estrella Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador
  • Piedad Anabel Pérez Villafuerte Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador
Keywords: Diffuse logic; Concessionaires; Financial indicators; Financial risks.


The purpose of this research is to help in decision making by applying fuzzy logic in indicators that have a lot of importance, using the ratios of two dealerships in the province of Tungurahua in Ecuador and thus prove the objective of applying financial indicators through fuzzy logic to help in decision making in the automotive sector. With this, it is expected to help validate the level of belonging that the indicators selected for this project have with their risk qualifiers. For the application of this theory should be used linguistic variable, in addition to their ranges are valued on scales from 0 to 1. With fuzzy logic helps the application and verification of financial risks that have at the present time, whether it shows greater than the risk-free reality and with excellent solvency. But in the activity that is low in the level that is presenting by the increase of risk. The result was a clearer and more concise answer in the automotive field, determining that Tungurahua, in spite of having one of its main sources, the sale of vehicles, also has gaps in its values that can be improved with more real data and also be applicable with faster strategies thanks to the use of fuzzy logic. 


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Author Biographies

Bertha Jeaneth Sánchez Herrera, Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador

Magister en Tributación y Derecho Empresarial. Ingeniera en Contabilidad y Auditoría. Docente Tiempo Completo.

Luis Alfredo Tipan Días, Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador

 Ingeniero en Contabilidad y Auditoría. Coordinador en el área de compras y analista financiero.

Patricia Paola Jiménez Estrella, Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador

Magister en Costos y Gestión Financiera, Doctora en Contabilidad y Auditoría, Docente universitaria.

Piedad Anabel Pérez Villafuerte, Universidad Técnica de Ambato – Ecuador

Doctora en Contabilidad y Auditoría por la Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Magister en Tecnologías de la Información y Multimedia Educativa.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Herrera, B. J., Tipan Días, L. A., Jiménez Estrella, P. P., & Pérez Villafuerte, P. A. (2023). Analysis of financial indicators and their profitability in the automotive sector of the province of Tungurahua. Religación, 8(37), e2301084.