Victims of domestic violence in health care systems, importance of proper judicial management

  • María De Los Ángeles Galarza Pazmiño Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador
  • Sergio Hernando Castillo Galvis Universidad Católica de Cuenca – Ecuador
Keywords: Domestic Violence; Health Care; Legal Management.


Worldwide, domestic violence is considered a public health problem due to its wide variability of presentation, which generates multiple medical consultations and increases health costs. The objective of the study was to review scientific articles to determine the judicial management of this problem by health professionals through non-probabilistic casual sampling, finding that 52% reported referral systems, legal support, or the duty to denounce; none established the possibility of expert testimony by the health professional. The lack of specialized training, challenges in detection and screening, the scarcity of resources and specialized services, and the negative consequences for the victims of the lack of adequate care contribute to an inefficient response in the care of victims of domestic violence. It is essential to improve the training of health professionals, strengthen interdisciplinary care, and promote a more effective response to this serious problem.


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Author Biographies

María De Los Ángeles Galarza Pazmiño, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Médica, especialista en medicina forense y magíster en criminalística, perito acreditado por el Consejo de la Judicatura, actualmente laborando para el Servicio Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses.

Sergio Hernando Castillo Galvis, Universidad Católica de Cuenca – Ecuador

Abogado, Especialista en Derecho Médico. Actualmente es presidente de la Cámara de Comercio de Cúcuta – Colombia.


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How to Cite
Galarza Pazmiño, M. D. L. Ángeles, & Castillo Galvis, S. H. (2023). Victims of domestic violence in health care systems, importance of proper judicial management. Religación, 8(37), e2301104.
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