Categorization of self-regenerating materials and their application in architectural construction in the city of Quito, Ecuador

  • Jakelyne Arcos-Tana Universidad Católica de Cuenca – Ecuador
  • Jefferson Torres-Quezada Universidad Católica de Cuenca – Ecuador
Keywords: Self-regenerating materials; construction; housing; Quito.


Self-healing or self-regenerating materials have the ability to repair and regenerate their internal structure. This developing technology has the potential to increase the durability and lifespan of structures in construction, while lowering maintenance costs and reducing environmental impact. According to bibliographical reviews and studies carried out in Quito, the use of self-regenerating materials in construction can provide a solution to the problems of fissures and cracks that are the most common in the construction of buildings in the city, this because Quito is located in an area of ​​high seismic activity and constant weather variables. The studies showed that the use of self-regenerating materials in construction has a high potential to improve the durability and useful life of construction structures, in addition to expanding awareness of sustainability and reducing the environmental effect of construction waste. The use of self-regenerating materials can be a solution that largely mitigates this problem.


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Author Biographies

Jakelyne Arcos-Tana, Universidad Católica de Cuenca – Ecuador

Arquitecta de interiores con una sólida formación académica y una amplia experiencia en el diseño de espacios funcionales y estéticamente atractivos.

Jefferson Torres-Quezada, Universidad Católica de Cuenca – Ecuador

Doctor en arquitectura y docente investigador en la Universidad Católica de Cuenca.


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How to Cite
Arcos-Tana, J., & Torres-Quezada, J. (2023). Categorization of self-regenerating materials and their application in architectural construction in the city of Quito, Ecuador. Religación, 8(38), e2301108.
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