Alcohol consumption and sexual satisfaction in university students

  • Luis Fernando Ojeda Salinas Universidad Técnica de Ambato | Ambato | Ecuador
  • Verónica Fernanda Flores Hernández Universidad Técnica Ambato | Ambato | Ecuador
Keywords: Alcohol; university student; sexual.


The research focused on the study of the risk of alcohol consumption and sexual satisfaction, where when talking about risk and according to the instrument that was used, it is determined whether alcohol consumption in university students can be considered dangerous or harmful; Alcohol consumption is a worldwide problem because it is associated with the risk of developing mental and behavioral disorders. The objective was to determine the relationship between risk of alcohol consumption and sexual satisfaction in university students. To achieve the stated objectives, a quantitative approach was used, with a non-experimental design and descriptive-correlational scope. A sample of 159 students, both men and women, between 18 and 27 years old, was used. The instruments used were the AUDIT Questionnaire and the adaptation of the Hudson Sexual Satisfaction Index. After the application and analysis of the results, a prevalence of the risk of average alcohol consumption was found, in the same way when evaluating the sexual satisfaction variable, sexual dissatisfaction was recorded as the one with the highest prevalence and with regard to the risk of alcohol consumption alcohol between men and women there were statistically significant differences, with men being at greater risk. Finally, fulfilling the main objective of this research, it was found that there is no relationship between the study variables, where none has a direct influence on the other.


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Author Biographies

Luis Fernando Ojeda Salinas, Universidad Técnica de Ambato | Ambato | Ecuador

Egresado de la Carrera de Psicología Clínica en la Universidad Técnica de Ambato. En proceso de obtención del título de Licenciatura en Psicología Clínica.

Verónica Fernanda Flores Hernández, Universidad Técnica Ambato | Ambato | Ecuador

Doctorado en Psicología Clínica. Magister en Neuropsicología Infantil. Licenciatura en psicología clínica. Licenciatura en Educación.


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How to Cite
Ojeda Salinas, L. F., & Flores Hernández, V. F. (2023). Alcohol consumption and sexual satisfaction in university students. Religación, 9(39), e2401129.
Health Sciences