Beauty stereotypes on social networks: impact on female self-esteem

  • Jenny Marlene Maldonado Castro Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador
  • Nuvia Aurora Zambrano Barros Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador
  • Keyla Ludwika Mancilla Patiño
Keywords: Beauty Stereotypes; Self-esteem; Social media; Body dissatisfaction; Body image.


Social networks influence the perception of beauty by disseminating unattainable standards through retouched images and filters, generating a significant impact on contemporary society, especially women. The objective of the study is to analyze the consequences of comparing oneself with beauty stereotypes on social networks and its impact on the perception and self-assessment of appearance in women. A two-phase mixed design was used for the study. The first qualitatively analyzed 30 articles on beauty stereotypes on Google Academic, delving into their impact on female self-esteem. The second phase consisted of an online survey using Google Forms to explore how these stereotypes affect self-esteem. The data were processed with SPSS v26.0, complementing the qualitative findings of the first phase with statistical analyses. The study highlights the diversity of opinions among women about appearance and self-esteem, focusing on the complexity of beauty standards. Social networks emerge as a significant influence on body perception and self-esteem. While some resist online pressures, others suffer from insecurities and low levels of self-esteem, generating divided opinions. However, despite online pressure, some women manage to separate these images from their self-image, finding in social networks motivation to take care of their physical and mental well-being, thus demonstrating the unique complexity of the relationships between beauty, self-esteem and social networks. Concluding, social media spreads beauty stereotypes, putting pressure on women to reach unattainable standards with unrealistic images.


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Author Biographies

Jenny Marlene Maldonado Castro, Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador

Docente titular. Máster en Organización de Empresas Graduada en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid – España. Directora de Cooperación Internacional de la Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo.

Nuvia Aurora Zambrano Barros, Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador

Docente titular. Licenciada en Comercio y Administración, Máster en Docencia y Currículo en la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo; Máster en Alta Dirección de Empresas, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid – España.


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How to Cite
Maldonado Castro, J. M., Zambrano Barros, N. A., & Mancilla Patiño, K. L. (2024). Beauty stereotypes on social networks: impact on female self-esteem. Religación, 9(40), e2401183.