Ergonomic risks at work in the banana industry of the Ecuadorian coast

  • Nelly Narcisa Manjarrez Fuentes Universidad Técnico Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador
  • Jhon Alejandro Boza Valle Universidad Técnico Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador
  • Daniel Alberto Parra Gavilanes Universidad Técnico Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador
  • Marianela Antonia Egas Loor Universidad Técnico Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador
Keywords: Knowledge; occupational risks; ergonomics; occupational health; regulations.


Ecuador’s globally important banana industry faces ergonomic challenges on the plantations that can affect workers’ long-term health. Physical labor such as harvesting and packing can cause musculoskeletal diseases due to inadequate posture and long working hours. For this reason, the objective of this research is to identify the ergonomic risks to which workers are exposed in the banana production and harvesting sector. For this purpose, the methodology used was quantitative, descriptive and observational. The questionnaire was used and was applied to 10 farms according to the stratified sample of 298 workers. The MRL matrix was used for the identification, evaluation and control of ergonomic risk factors, which was evaluated by means of consequence, probability and exposure, determining which factor is low, medium, high and critical. The results showed that 80% of the workers’ illnesses are the result of repetitive movements, forced postures, physical overexertion and overload; the weighting made it possible to propose strategies as prevention measures and to reduce critical risks.


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Author Biographies

Nelly Narcisa Manjarrez Fuentes, Universidad Técnico Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador

Doctora en Ciencias Económicas, Ing. Administración de Empresas Agropecuarias Docente de Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y de la Facultad de Posgrado de la UTEQ.

Jhon Alejandro Boza Valle, Universidad Técnico Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador

Doctor en Ciencias Económicas, Economista Docente de Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Económicas y Financieras y de la  Facultad de Posgrado de la UTEQ.

Daniel Alberto Parra Gavilanes, Universidad Técnico Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador

Magister en Desarrollo Local Mención en Economía Social y Solidaria, Docente de Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Económicas y Financieras y de la Facultad de Posgrado de la UTEQ.

Marianela Antonia Egas Loor, Universidad Técnico Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador

Ingeniera en Seguridad Industrial y Salud Ocupacional, estudiante de posgrado, profesional independiente.



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How to Cite
Manjarrez Fuentes, N. N., Boza Valle, J. A., Parra Gavilanes, D. A., & Egas Loor, M. A. (2024). Ergonomic risks at work in the banana industry of the Ecuadorian coast. Religación, 9(40), e2401232.