Women: Limitations so-called vs actual capabilities

  • Hernán Eduardo Díaz Rubiano Universidad de La Salle - Colombia
Keywords: Capabilities, care, inequality of gender, virtue, female slavery



Actions of solidarity, care and recognition of the other, which are usually taken by women for the demarcation of roles within the family, are often seen as weaknesses rather than as capabilities. This situation limits the possibilities of full preparation both in family and in terms of work and puts them at a disadvantage against the men, exclusively by the mere fact of being women. The concepts of virtue, care and capacity are woven into this text with the experiences of unamaestra who are looking for professionally at the same time enjoying with fullness of her role as mother and wife.


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Author Biography

Hernán Eduardo Díaz Rubiano, Universidad de La Salle - Colombia

Máster en Docencia, Universidad de La Salle - Colombia


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How to Cite
Díaz Rubiano, H. E. (2016). Women: Limitations so-called vs actual capabilities. Religación, 1(1), 57-65. Retrieved from https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/37
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