Learning a second culture and the ethnic identity of the brazilians indigenous through a social network: An exploratory study

  • Joaquim Filipe Peres de Castro Universidade Fernando Pessoa - Brasil
Keywords: acculturation, intercultural learning, ethnic identity, social networks, Brazilian indigenous.


The current paper approaches the acculturation phenomenon as learning a second cul- ture. The acculturation concept encompasses the ethnic identity phenomenon, and the Brazilians natives were studied, employing a famous social network. The current technological transformations permit to approach the ethnic identity as maintenance of the cultural legacy, and at the same time, as cultural changes. On the current paper was supposed that the Brazilian culture is providing a dynamic and a reciprocal approach

about the concept of acculturation.



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Author Biography

Joaquim Filipe Peres de Castro, Universidade Fernando Pessoa - Brasil

Doutorado em Ciências Sociais com especialidade em Psicologia. Investigador Centro de Estudos das Minorias (CENMIN) na Universidade Fernando Pessoa.


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How to Cite
Peres de Castro, J. F. (2016). Learning a second culture and the ethnic identity of the brazilians indigenous through a social network: An exploratory study. Religación, 1(2), 75-94. Retrieved from https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/45