Development of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation on crimes related to indecent assault against the persons under the age of 16

  • Vladislav Yerakhmilevich Altai State University - Russia
  • Leksey Detkov Altai State University - Russia


The article is devoted to the analysis of crimes related to indecent assault against persons under 16 years of age. We investigated the issues of criminal-legal assessment of crimes of this category in foreign legislation, as well as the history of responsibility for this act in the domestic criminal law and modern legislation of Russia. The article compares the norms of criminal responsibility between different countries states and Russia for crimes related to sexual inviolability of minors. Some measures aimed at improving the national criminal legislation regards the crimes against sexual inviolability has been proposed. In addition, we suggested to specify the concept of indecent assault and to enhance the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with an appropriate part providing for criminal liability for indecent assault by parents, teachers or other persons who are legally responsible for education or supervision of persons under the age of 16. 


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Biografia do Autor

Vladislav Yerakhmilevich, Altai State University - Russia

Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Law Institute, Altai State University, Russia.

Leksey Detkov, Altai State University - Russia

Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Law Institute, Altai State University, Russia.


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Como Citar
Yerakhmilevich, V., & Detkov, L. (2019). Development of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation on crimes related to indecent assault against the persons under the age of 16. Religación, 4(19), 165-171. Recuperado de