Labour and rehabilitation psychology of state body head

  • Vitaliy Sorokin Altai State University - Russia
Keywords: Head of the state body; official business style; control; work leader; legal documents.


The practical significance of the work is the formation of the motivation for effective management by the heads of state bodies. The article contains numerous specific recommendations of managerial labor in state bodies. A significant place in the article is occupied by the recommendations on the preparation of official, legal documents. Characterized by the specifics of the work of women leaders. Proven tested and fairly fast ways to recuperate a leader are offered. The author explores the logical psychological relationship between the head and the team of subordinate employees. Based on the identified patterns, the article proposes an algorithm of managerial style as such. Every manager may doubt his purpose from time to time. I believe that the only thing that cannot be done is to forget about it.


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Author Biography

Vitaliy Sorokin, Altai State University - Russia

Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honorary worker of higher education. Altai State University, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite
Sorokin, V. (2019). Labour and rehabilitation psychology of state body head. Religación, 4(19), 228-235. Retrieved from