State Management and Legal Regulation of Subsoil Use: Theoretical and Legal Aspects

  • Natalya I. Lesnova Saint-Petersburg Mining University - Russia
  • Svetlana N. Pasternak Saint-Petersburg Mining University - Russia
  • Irina S. Oblova Saint-Petersburg Mining University - Russia


The article is devoted to the theoretical and legal relationship disclosure between the concepts of state management and legal regulation in the field of subsoil use. While the legal aspect of the problem has been analyzed, the issues of subsoil use are coupling with the issues of legal regulation; the study is conducted from the standpoint of theoretical and legal science as well. It has been concluded that both the of state management subsoil use and the legal regulation of subsoil use are inextricably linked, and the ultimate goal of them both is the law formation in society. There are some practical conclusions given as the results of studying the theoretical and legal relationship between the concepts of state management and legal regulation in the field of subsoil use. As a result, it has been concluded that the state management of subsoil use in the Russian Federation must be determined by law.


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Biografia do Autor

Natalya I. Lesnova, Saint-Petersburg Mining University - Russia

Ph.D. in Law, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Russia

Svetlana N. Pasternak, Saint-Petersburg Mining University - Russia

Ph.D. in Law, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Russia

Irina S. Oblova, Saint-Petersburg Mining University - Russia

Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Russia


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Como Citar
Lesnova, N. I., Pasternak, S. N., & Oblova, I. S. (2019). State Management and Legal Regulation of Subsoil Use: Theoretical and Legal Aspects. Religación, 4(21), 53-56. Recuperado de