Social Sciences and Humanistic Therapeutic Orientations: Approaches for Interdisciplinary Work in Contexts of Social Suffering

  • Minerva Rojas Ruiz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - México
Keywords: sociology, dialogue, humanistic psychotherapy, therapeutic practice.


This paper presented similitudes and differences between profound and therapeutic interview, and the accent in understanding the body, as meeting points between Social Sciences —specifically Sociology— and the therapeutic orientations based on Person Cen-tered and Gestalt therapies. Then, some contributions of Social Sciences to the theory and practice of therapy were developed, basing on the sociological theory of fields, and the concepts of habitus and symbolic violence that stem from it. Finally, specific actions axis, in which both therapy and Social Sciences can support each other, were presented. It is concluded the necessity of establishing interdisciplinary workgroups, in order to carry out social interventions that include both comprehension of the social background of personal suffering and conducts, and the exercise of empathy and horizontality, with the aim to contribute to the recuperation of individual and group agency in contexts of violence, social discomposure and social suffering.


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Author Biography

Minerva Rojas Ruiz, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - México

Candidata a doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Docente de maestría en el Instituto Humanista de Psicoterapia Gestalt (IHPG-México). Profesora de licenciatura en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM


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How to Cite
Rojas Ruiz, M. (2016). Social Sciences and Humanistic Therapeutic Orientations: Approaches for Interdisciplinary Work in Contexts of Social Suffering. Religación, 1(3), 103-118. Retrieved from