Competitive advantage toward construction project development in the United Arab Emirates

  • Mohammed Sultan Mohammed Al-Ali Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka - Malaysia
  • Haslinda Musa Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka - Malaysia
Keywords: Competitive advantages, project development, construction industry, United Arab Emirates


This study aims to examine the impact of competitive advantage on the project development in the United Arab Emirates. This study employed a cross-sectional approach, the data obtained through a questionnaire instrument. The data obtained from 382 respondents from the construction industry. The result confirms a positive and significant impact of competitive advantage on the construction project development.  


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How to Cite
Mohammed Al-Ali, M. S., & Musa, H. (2020). Competitive advantage toward construction project development in the United Arab Emirates. Religación, 5(23), 171-176. Retrieved from