Persecutory State Violence, State of Exception and State Terrorism in America.

  • Julio Lisandro Cañón Voirin Columbia University, Nueva York - Estados Unidos
Keywords: State Terrorism-discursive communities-crisis of hegemony-counter-revolution.



In this essay, we present a general outline, a conceptual and analytical overview to historicize the genetic processes of State terrorism in the American continent. The objective is to recover the centrality of the premise of the war against Marxism, to analyze the action of neoconservative discursive communities from the second half of the twentieth century. We will pay attention to their counterrevolutionary basis, which were developed from the nucleus of these groups until gradually colonize the political organization of the nation-states. Through this process, which occurred in the context of a deep crisis of hegemony, we will point out the most important elements in the emergence of a new state rationality based on internal security, sustained in the principle of internal war, with selective and massive crime as a fundamental method.


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Author Biography

Julio Lisandro Cañón Voirin, Columbia University, Nueva York - Estados Unidos

Doctor Internacional en Historia Contemporánea y Máster en Historia Contemporánea por la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Miembro del Institute of Latin American Studies; Barnard College.


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How to Cite
Cañón Voirin, J. L. (2017). Persecutory State Violence, State of Exception and State Terrorism in America. Religación, 2(7), 30-46. Retrieved from