Modern slavery: Analysis of the human rights situation of women on plantations in Ecuador

Keywords: slavery; human rights; women rights; sexual discrimination.


This text reflects on the rights involved in the phenomenon of modern slavery with a gender approach applied to a case study in Ecuador. Modern slavery is a phenomenon that has a disproportionated impact on women and girls because they continue to be the bearers of the negative impacts of transnational crime. The theoretical approach comes from International Human Rights Law with a gender focus and the analysis was built on the main points that represent gender disparities and three were incorporated: the roles assigned to women and men and the resources they have access to regarding their sex, the conditions that maintain the situation and the impacts of the disparity. An exploratory study was carried out using quantitative and qualitative methods that made it possible to establish that the social structures surrounding women in the camps produce a situation of disadvantage due to their condition as women, since they continue to be passively incorporated in all areas of development and have no voice in the design of their lives.


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Author Biography

Ivonne Tellez Patarroyo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador

Doctoral candidate of the Doctoral Program in Law at the University of Buenos Aires UBA, LLM Master’s in International Law at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, alumnus of the Hague Academy of International Law, The Hague, The Netherlands 2019 and Doctor in Jurisprudence at the University of San Buenaventura, Cali, Colombia. Her professional experience is in the areas of Public International Law, International Politics, Peace and Conflict and Human Rights.


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How to Cite
Tellez Patarroyo, I. (2022). Modern slavery: Analysis of the human rights situation of women on plantations in Ecuador. Religación, 7(33), e210954.