Sign language interpreter in the university context

  • Karina Muñoz Vilugrón Universidad Austral de Chile (UACH) - Chile
  • Alejandra Sánchez Bravo Escuela de Pedagogía en Educación Diferencial (UACH) - Chile
  • Bárbara Herreros Roa Universidad de Concepción - Chile
Keywords: deaf, Sign Language Interpreter, Sign Language, Deaf Culture.



The aim of this study is to describe background, functions and perception of the Culture and Deaf Identity from the sign language interpreter in the university context. The methodology is a qualitative approach, with case study design, based on semi-structured interviews. The participants are 2 sign language interpreters from a Chilean University and a Colombian one. The general results indicate that the training of both interpreters is not professional, that they develop a mediating function in the university which is faced with numerous contextual barriers and that the development of the deaf culture in the university context is in the initial stage. It establishes the need to have a political normative framework that guides the university from the socio-anthropological approach of the deaf person and from there the work of the interpreter.


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Author Biographies

Karina Muñoz Vilugrón, Universidad Austral de Chile (UACH) - Chile


Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la Frontera. Académica de la Universidad Austral de Chile, Sede Puerto Montt. Puerto Montt, Chile.

Alejandra Sánchez Bravo, Escuela de Pedagogía en Educación Diferencial (UACH) - Chile


Doctora en Diseño, Orientación e Intervención Psicopedagógica. Académica de la Escuela de Pedagogía en Educación Diferencial. Sede Puerto Montt. Chile

Bárbara Herreros Roa, Universidad de Concepción - Chile


Traductor Francés-Español Universidad de Concepción e Intérprete en Lengua de Señas Chilena (LSCh).


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How to Cite
Muñoz Vilugrón, K., Sánchez Bravo, A., & Herreros Roa, B. (2018). Sign language interpreter in the university context. Religación, 3(10), 159-173. Retrieved from