A visual ethnography about taste nostalgia

  • Liliana Rocío León Moreno FLACSO - Ecuador
Keywords: Visual anthropology, visual ethnography, anthropology of food, nostalgia of the taste



The following article exposes the scientific rigor in the use of an audiovisual device to make an ethnography framed in food identity concepts. The fieldwork consisted of stimulating a feeling of nostalgia for the food of the country of origin expressed by immigrants in Ecuador. This research is based on theoretical issues in “the interaction between anthropological knowledge, ethnographic field work and audiovisual media” (El Guindi en Grau, 2012: 168); from the methodological issues in the design to stimulate situations that show the emotions that cooking produces, as well as the activation of the memory of migrants in their search for their nostalgic dish. And from the technical issues in the re-view of images in order to collect ethnographic data also known as deferred observation proposed for Ardèvol.


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Author Biography

Liliana Rocío León Moreno, FLACSO - Ecuador


Magíster en Antropología Visual. Programa de Antropología Visual. Departamento de Antropología, Historia y Huma-nidades. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales – Flacso Ecuador, Comunicadora Social – Periodista. Especialista en Televisión. Realizadora de audiovisuales y documentales y estratega en gestión comunicacional para el sector acadé-mico y entidades estatales


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How to Cite
León Moreno, L. R. (2019). A visual ethnography about taste nostalgia. Religación, 4(13), 46-58. Retrieved from https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/194