The exchange of pathogens as allies in the success of the Spanish conquest of AmericaThe public administration and sense of welfare for progress

  • Marcelo Saavedra Osorio Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales - Chile
Keywords: Pathogens, pre-columbian diseases, amerindian mortality, resistance, shamanism.


This article was approached  by the author as part of an essay for the ARCIS University of Arts and Social Sciences of Chile, which was deepened through the different studies on pre-Hispanic diseases, among them those of Villaseñor, (2002), during the conquest they indicate to us that the Amerindian immunity did not arrive at the immunity by the isolation of America to the centuries of interchanges of pathogens that if they owned the Spanish conquerors.

It is evident that some chroniclers exaggerated the mortality figures that the interaction of germs in the indigenous population implied and, like the Spanish and English later, they noticed that the clothes contaminated by measles and smallpox were the most effective way to control the indigenous resistance. On the other hand, thanks to the chronicles and oral transmission has been able to configure a cartography on shamanic practices and rituals in regard to pre-Columbian medicine. Finally, we can indicate that all the investigations have not been done, to know the scope of such knowledge and its importance at present as a sanitary alternative.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Saavedra Osorio, Universidad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales - Chile

Trabajador Social, Licenciado en Trabajo Social con Mención en Estudios Latinoamericanos. Universidad de Artes y Ciencias Sociales ARCIS de Chile.  Profesor de Filosofía en programas de Segunda Oportunidad (andragogía).


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How to Cite
Saavedra Osorio, M. (2019). The exchange of pathogens as allies in the success of the Spanish conquest of AmericaThe public administration and sense of welfare for progress. Religación, 4(17), 180-187. Retrieved from