Sycorax, Cannibal Woman and Tituba: rebellious Women against Colonial Impossition

  • Gabriela González Ortuño Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí - México
Keywords: Decolonial feminisms, black feminisms, Latin-American feminisms, Cultural studies, decolonial literary.


This article explores the ways in which the image of witches has been represented in different literary traditions. On the one hand, we have Sycorax and its multiple versions since The Tempest of Shakespeare, as well as the continuity of this representation in the idea of Canibalesa or Calibanesa that maintains the image of the black women full of racial prejudices; On the other hand, we find the figure of the witch represented from a Caribbean woman, the Tituba of Maryse Condé who gets rid of the silent witch to give way to a woman whose art shows the resistance of underground knowledge / powers.


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Author Biography

Gabriela González Ortuño, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí - México

Licenciada en ciencias políticas y administración pública por la UNAM, Maestra en estudios latinoamericanos por la UNAM, Candidata a doctora en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la UNAM.


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How to Cite
González Ortuño, G. (2017). Sycorax, Cannibal Woman and Tituba: rebellious Women against Colonial Impossition. Religación, 2(5), 138-151. Retrieved from