Alfabetización informacional y Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. El caso de una universidad peruana
In the context of virtual education that in recent years we have been forced to employ, the use of ICT played a fundamental role, especially since it is the main means of searching for information, which led us to the objective of determining the relationship that exists between the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the development of skills in Information Literacy (IL) in university students. For this study, a correlational level methodology of non-experimental design was used, with a census-type population made up of 57 students of the Optometry career of the Federico Villarreal National University, to whom two questionnaires were applied both to measure the use of ICTs and for competence in information literacy in university students. After the statistical analysis in the SPSS program, the result was that the level of correlation was very low (0 < r < 0.2) and positive, that is, the greater the frequency of use of ICT, the greater the development of IL skills. , in turn, presented a significance of 0.040, so the null hypothesis was rejected, with a significance level of 5%, concluding that there is a statistically significant relationship between the frequency of use of ICT and the development of competencies in IL in Optometry students from UNFV Lima- 2021.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Jenny Villanueva Cusihuallpa, Alicia Agromelis Aliaga-Pacora
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