Incommensurability of the economic, ecological and health costs caused by the Morelos Integral Project.

Keywords: economic costs; health risks; socioecological systems; socio-environmental justice.


The turn of the 20th century to the 21st shows how neoliberalism produced an increase in the construction of various megaprojects for power generation. This process implied the overexploitation of strategic natural resources such as water and the production of environmental diseases. In Mexico, this situation resulted in the construction of various Combined Cycle Thermoelectric Power Plants (CTCC) that have ended up generating various environmental and health effects that exceed the supposed economic booms that their main promoters predict. Taking note of the above, the present study opens with an exposition about the geopolitics of the combined CTCCs in Mexico and then presents the CTCCs that, as part of the Morelos Integral Project (PIM), have been built in the community of Huexca (Yecapixtla, Morelos). The potential economic, ecological, and sanitary costs of mega-infrastructure are exposed. This study shows the incommensurability of these costs in the face of the impacts and socio-environmental conflict that has arisen from the construction and eventual entry into operation of the CTCC in Huexca, Morelos. It concludes by advocating a reassessment and balance about the social and environmental costs that the PIM would imply concerning the extraordinary profits that would be generated, in the understanding that said balance is an indispensable condition of possibility for national sovereignty and socio-environmental justice.


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Author Biography

Josemanuel Luna-Nemecio, Centro Universitario CIFE–México

Profesor-Investigador del Centro Universitario CIFE. Post-Doctorado en Estudios del Desarrollo (UAZ). Doctor en Geografía (UNAM). Sistema Nacional de Investigadores México (CONACYT).


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How to Cite
Luna-Nemecio, J. (2023). Incommensurability of the economic, ecological and health costs caused by the Morelos Integral Project. Religación, 8(35), e2301028.
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