The affect of doubt in recent Argentine history and performance: Última(s) catástrofe(s) by Compañía de Funciones Patrióticas

Keywords: Affect; Recent history; Site-specific; Performance; Argentina.


Following the framework of affect theory and performativity, the investigation traces how doubt emerges among subjectivities and constructs structures of feeling around recent history in Argentina. To develop its affective theory of doubt, the paper presents a case study of Última(s) catástrofe(s), a site-specific performance by Compañía de Funciones Patrióticas. Through an immersive, first-person dramaturgical analysis of the performance event, the paper re/constructs the sensations at play and postulates doubt as a vital tool of societal re/making.


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Author Biography

Nahuel Telleria, University of Oklahoma – United States

Assistant Professor of Dramaturgy at the University of Oklahoma’s Helmerich School of Drama. He is a 2019 Fulbright research grant recipient, a freelance dramaturg and translator, and a member of Grupo de Estudios sobre Teatro Contemporáneo, Política y Sociedad en América Latina (Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires) and Red de Estudios de Artes Escénicas Latinoamericanas (REAL).


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How to Cite
Telleria, N. (2023). The affect of doubt in recent Argentine history and performance: Última(s) catástrofe(s) by Compañía de Funciones Patrióticas. Religación, 8(35), e2301034.