The Cinema of Lucrecia Martel as critic image. The experience of Desire beyond the Class, Gender and Race

  • Guido Fernández Parmo Universidad de Morón - Argentina
Keywords: hegemonic image, critic image, Lucrecia Martel, Gender, Race, Class



The world where we live, defined by the class, gender and race variables, reproduces itself thanks to the production of a hegemonic image that reinforces these classifications. Cinema contributes to the production of these classification by means of what we call the «hegemonic image». There is, however, another kind of image that we call «critic» that breaks with the dominant representation by showing something that exceeds the class, gender and race classifications. We think that Lucrecia Martel’s cinema represents this kind of «critic image». Her cinema seeks to make sensible that reality that falls out from de dominant representation and, in this sense, is a critic of how the world is organized by the classist, patriarchal and racial point of view.


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Author Biography

Guido Fernández Parmo, Universidad de Morón - Argentina

Doctorando por la Universidad de Morón, Argentina. Profesor a cargo de Filosofía Contemporánea en la Universidad de Morón.


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How to Cite
Fernández Parmo, G. (2017). The Cinema of Lucrecia Martel as critic image. The experience of Desire beyond the Class, Gender and Race. Religación, 2(8), 15-27. Retrieved from