Social Responsibility as A Strategyin Human Resources Management

  • Gary Fernando Jiménez Hidalgo Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador
  • María Alexandra Chica Macay Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo Quevedo – Ecuador
  • Milexy Jamilex Quiroz Romero Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo | Quevedo | Ecuador
  • Jessenia Estefanía Bravo Verduga Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador | Durán | Ecuador
Keywords: Sustainable development; organizational culture; ethics; strategy; decision-making.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that seeks to integrate ethical, social, and environmental considerations into an organization’s decision-making and activities. CSR is not only about how a company interacts with its environment, but it also has a significant impact on Human Resources Management (HRM). CSR fosters a deeper commitment from employees to the organization by aligning personal values and objectives with those of the company. An organizational culture based on social responsibility promotes collaboration, transparency, and mutual respect. In this article, we will explore how CSR can be used as a strategy in HRM to promote a sustainable, ethical, and motivating work environment. The objective is to explain what CSR is, with each author describing corporate social responsibility from different perspectives. Likewise, to explain what is meant by human resources management, so that the reader has a more practical view of the subject. Lastly, we will describe the relationship between these two aspects and how CSR is used as a strategy to achieve greater benefits in HRM. The methodology used is analytical due to the investigation of information from different sources. The results and discussion obtained revealed that CSR, when used as a strategy, helps HRM be more efficient and fosters greater ethics within the organization.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Hidalgo, G. F., Chica Macay, M. A., Quiroz Romero, M. J., & Bravo Verduga, J. E. (2024). Social Responsibility as A Strategyin Human Resources Management. Religación, 9(40), e2401187.