A proposal to use TPR and REALIA to enhance vocabulary acquisition in an EFL class

  • Mónica Mirella Jungal Arrobo Universidad Católica de Cuenca | Cuenca | Ecuador
  • Martha Magdalena Guamán Luna Universidad Católica de Cuenca | Cuenca | Ecuador
Keywords: method; vocabulary; acquisition.


This study aims to explore the impact of the Total Physical Response (TPR) method and realia technique on vocabulary acquisition in an eighth-grade EFL class at Ejército Ecuatoriano Educational Unit. TPR, created by Dr. James Asher, is based on the idea that language acquisition is more effective when students engage in physical actions. Realia involves using real-life objects to facilitate language learning and understanding. This combination is helpful and fruitful, allowing young learners to acquire vocabulary differently from traditional methods. It is crucial for teachers to integrate these methods into their classes to make them enjoyable, interesting, dynamic, and participative. This means that students learn without feeling afraid, nervous, or shy; instead, they feel comfortable, integrated, confident, and motivated. The research uses a diagnostic test and a perception survey, employing mixed methods. The qualitative method provides a deep understanding by analyzing survey responses, while the quantitative method collects and analyzes numerical data. This combination boosts students’ vocabulary acquisition, enhancing their ability to understand, communicate naturally, and improve long-term retention.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Mirella Jungal Arrobo, Universidad Católica de Cuenca | Cuenca | Ecuador

She has 13 years of experience, been teaching English in some cities of Ecuador like Loja, Zamora, and nowadays in Sucumbios. Currently, she started her studies at Universidad Católica de Cuenca to get a Master’s degree in teaching English as a foreign language, to build up and shape her knowledge.

Martha Magdalena Guamán Luna, Universidad Católica de Cuenca | Cuenca | Ecuador

Mgs, English teacher and Administrative coordinator at Catholic University of Cuenca. She has a master´s degree in pedagogy for teaching English as a foreign language. Additionally, she has a magister degree in Educational management and leadership. She has a diploma in innovative pedagogies. With an undergraduate level, she has a licenciatura in Education Sciences with a specialization in English language education. She is a professor and researcher at Master`s in Teaching English as a Foreign Language program since 2022.


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How to Cite
Jungal Arrobo, M. M., & Guamán Luna, M. M. (2024). A proposal to use TPR and REALIA to enhance vocabulary acquisition in an EFL class. Religación, 9(40), e2401207. https://doi.org/10.46652/rgn.v9i40.1207