The Impact of Content Learning Integrated Language (CLIL) on the Speaking Skill in the EFL Classroom at the Secondary Level

  • Lucía Tapia Universidad Católica de Cuenca | Cuenca | Ecuador
  • Melita Vega Universidad Católica de Cuenca | Cuenca | Ecuador
Keywords: Content and Language Integrate Learning; Speaking skills; Strategies; Challenges; and Cognitive Abilities.


Many authors assert that the dual focus on CLIL on language and content develops higher-order critical thinking, cognitive engagement and fosters motivation. Originally emerging in Europe, the versatility and adaptability of this approach led to wider adoption in other parts of the world leading to multiple empirical and contextual articles. The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of CLIL on developing English language skills at the secondary level in Latin America to allow students to learn a second language in a meaningful context. Thus, this study uses a descriptive qualitative method to analyze studies that focus on the main challenges in applying CLIL at the secondary level, as well as how it has been implemented in Latin America over the last decade through different and interactive strategies that allow the students to increase oral communication in context.


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Author Biographies

Lucía Tapia, Universidad Católica de Cuenca | Cuenca | Ecuador

Mg. en Educación Mención en Gestión y Liderazgo. Lcda. En Idiomas Mención Plurilingue Inglés, Francés y Español para Extranjeros. Teacher in the Secondary level at the Academia Militar del Valle.

Melita Vega, Universidad Católica de Cuenca | Cuenca | Ecuador

Master’s degree in applied Linguistics from the University of Cuenca (Ecuador), a bachelor degree in Computer Science from the University of Azuay (Ecuador) and a postgraduate certificate in Public Relations from Toronto Metropolitan University (Canada), Her research interests and publications focus on social responsibility and sustainability, crisis communications, and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). She is currently a professor, researcher and tutor in the School of International Studies and the Language Unit at the University of Azuay (Ecuador), and the postgraduate program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Universidad de Cuenca. She is a doctoral candidate in Education at Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Prior to her work in academia, Melita held positions in marketing and corporate communications in Canada.


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How to Cite
Tapia, L., & Vega, M. (2024). The Impact of Content Learning Integrated Language (CLIL) on the Speaking Skill in the EFL Classroom at the Secondary Level. Religación, 9(40), e2401220.