Electronic educational resources in the process training

  • Liliya A. Meteleva Togliatty State University, Russia
  • K. Shankar Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education - India
  • B. Ayshwarya Kristu Jayanti College - India


The aim of the article is to analyze the possibilities of using the electronic educational and methodological complex in the process of students' professional training. A new educational paradigm should provide mobility, flexibility, expansion of horizons for all possible learning paths. The processes of globalization show that the formation of the information society, and at the same time the “information-educated” one, is occurring at a very fast pace. At all levels of education, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become the basis for the organization of the educational process. Education in agriculture is no exception. Moreover, experience shows that technological training of students will be of higher quality if it is carried out through the use of ICT.


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Como Citar
Meteleva, L. A., Shankar, K., & Ayshwarya, B. (2020). Electronic educational resources in the process training . Religación, 5(23), 90-95. Recuperado de https://revista.religacion.com/index.php/religacion/article/view/601