The online learning experience by college students. An analysis of modified natural semantic networks

Keywords: Natural Semantic Networds; Online Learning; College Students; Covid-19.


In 2020 in Mexico, due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19, confinement was ordered that affected all activities of daily life, including university, which forced the change from a face-to-face model to a virtual one for the learning process. Due to the above, it was considered pertinent to carry out the present investigation, with the objective of knowing the experience of the student body of the University Center of Administrative Economic Sciences of the University of Guadalajara, through the application of a questionnaire that collects socioeconomic data and four words–phrases for analysis using the technique of modified natural semantic networks. Where it was found that for the stimulation of learning online the main defining word was tedious, while for the stimulation of online learning experiences, it was stress, for skills of an online student it was technology, and for the stimulation of study strategies in online education, was organization.


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Author Biographies

Blanca Noemí Silva Gutiérrez, Universidad de Guadalajara - México

Dra. en Ciencias de la salud en el trabajo con orientación en Psicosociología Laboral por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Maestra en educación y licenciada en Psicología por la misma Universidad. Profesora investigadora titular C adscrita al Departamento de Ciencia Sociales y Jurídicas del CUCEA. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel 1 en el área de ciencias sociales.

Ulises Osbaldo De la Cruz Guzmán, Universidad de Guadalajara - México

Dr. en Ciudad, Territorio y Sustentabilidad por parte de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Mtro. en Administración de negocios por parte de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Profesor investigador Asociado B en el Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas en el departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas.


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How to Cite
Silva Gutiérrez, B. N., & De la Cruz Guzmán, U. O. (2022). The online learning experience by college students. An analysis of modified natural semantic networks. Religación, 7(33), e210940.