Slavery, colonialism and discursive racism in Latin America

  • Esther Pineda G. Universidad Central de Venezuela - Venezuela
Keywords: Colonialism, Racism, Racial Discrimination, Afro-descendants, Discourse, Latin America.


In contemporary society, everyone who is not part of the group of men, white, heterosexual and resourceful, is under the evaluating and qualifying view of social expectation. In this context it is possible to affirm that the perception of the “other” as different will detonate reactions determined by the processes of socialization of each individual and at the same time create the conditions for the emergence of multiple forms of discrimination. In the case of Afro-descendants in Latin American society,  their ethnic belonging places them immediately and permanently under the possibility of being stigmatized in the different spheres, spaces and interactions in which daily life is performed; Discourse and language being one of the principal and most effective instruments through which racial discrimination has been transmitted and maintained.


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Author Biography

Esther Pineda G., Universidad Central de Venezuela - Venezuela

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, Magister en Estudios de la Mujer y Socióloga egresada de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Fundadora y directora de EPG Consultora de Género y Equidad. Correo:


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How to Cite
Pineda G., E. (2017). Slavery, colonialism and discursive racism in Latin America. Religación, 2(5), 237-254. Retrieved from