Citizenship, violence, and occupation in Latin America. Scenarios in the XXI century

Keywords: Violence; citizenship; occupation; State; Latin America


Due to their colonial origin, citizenship in Latin American countries presents a dual scenario. On the one hand, the population of colonial and European origin and on the other, the mestizo and indigenous population, are at least two realities, two polarized worldviews that have overcome the anachronism of the model of citizenship proposed by T.H. Marshall inspired by the English reality of industrialization. This reveals that Latin American countries historically face serious difficulties in moving to modernization and progress. Given this scenario, here we analyze the different living conditions and visions of the world to explain the obstacles to the formation of citizenship in these countries. The analysis is made from the occupations that correlate in common spaces, in which different forms of violence are produced and motivated by ideological positions such as the guerrillas of the decades of the 60s, 70s, and 80s of the twentieth century as an example of the Cuban Revolution. Today "common violence" prevails without ideological motives. Occupations and violence have set aside ideological ends, but they constitute the scenarios of Latin America in the twenty-first century. Methodologically, data on violence and occupations from the IDB, ECLAC, and OECD were taken as a basis for analysis. It is concluded that the new conditions of violence and occupations constitute the formative elements of survival citizenship that play readership democracy or migrates as a resource of last resort.


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How to Cite
Alejandre Ramos, G. (2022). Citizenship, violence, and occupation in Latin America. Scenarios in the XXI century. Religación, 7(32), e210906.