From the coup to the military recovery of Malvinas: the bellicose logic of the Argentine dictatorship

  • Exequiel Svetliza CONICET - Argentina
Keywords: Dictatorship - Coup - Malvinas - War – Power.



The decision of the Third Military Junta to recover the Malvinas Islands in April 1982 is inserted in the continuum of a historical account that had begun in 1833 with the British occupation of the archipelago. However, in order to understand the events that led to the only war in which Argentina participated in the twentieth century, it is necessary to analyze the logic of the dictatorship that had seized power with the 1976 coup d’état. This paper intends to interpret the way in which the dictatorship conceived the exercise of power and to analyze how that logic translates into the decision to recover the islands. The war in 1982 finds its correlate in the national cause of Malvinas, but this seems to be nothing but an excuse for the development of the warlike representation of the dictatorial politics.


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Author Biography

Exequiel Svetliza, CONICET - Argentina

Becario postdoctoral del CONICET, Doctor en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Docente de la cátedra Periodismo Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.


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How to Cite
Svetliza, E. (2017). From the coup to the military recovery of Malvinas: the bellicose logic of the Argentine dictatorship. Religación, 2(7), 90-99. Retrieved from