Conceptualizing Green Education Awareness in Primary School to Promote Sustainability

  • Nor Lela Ahmad MARA University of Technology - Malaysia
  • Faridah Hassan MARA University of Technology - Malaysia
  • Masrur Mohd Khir MARA University of Technology - Malaysia
  • Sharifah Fazirah Syed Ahmad MARA University of Technology - Malaysia
  • Ramita Abdul Rahim MARA University of Technology - Malaysia


This research aims to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of life at school. This should include the students, teachers, non-teaching staff, and parents, as well as the Local Authority, the media, and local business. Green education endeavors to extend learning beyond the classroom and develop responsible attitudes and commitment. Schools consume enormous quantities of paper and energy, produce tons of waste and carbon emissions, and rarely purchase environmentally friendly products. Schools use cleaners and pesticides with neurological and reproductive toxins, which are dangerous. Poor indoor air quality and nutrition at school are linked to soaring asthma and childhood obesity rates. Research now shows that greener, sustainable school environments can save money and resources, expand learning, and improve health. And ultimately, sustainable schools teach children to become good environmental citizens and will empower them to make a difference in the environment.


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Como Citar
Ahmad, N. L., Hassan, F., Khir, M. M., Syed Ahmad, S. F., & Rahim, R. A. (2019). Conceptualizing Green Education Awareness in Primary School to Promote Sustainability. Religación, 4(14), 300-306. Recuperado de