Gender relations in argentine prisons intersticies. Tensions around rights and care

Keywords: extended effects of incarceration; gender; body; care; subordination


This work is part of a research field regarding the extended effects of mass incarceration. In particular, we propose to increase the complexity of knowledge regarding the networks of affection and care built around prisons in Argentina, specifically those located in the province of Buenos Aires or belonging to the federal system (located in various parts of the country). For this purpose, a qualitative methodology is used. The proposal consists of presenting a perspective that collects the experiences of women who carry out care tasks for detained men. The article emphasizes the notion of gender and displays a range of ways of subordination of these women. For this purpose, the trajectories of some women are analyzed in order to show how many women from the popular sectors are socialized in this role. Second, some of the tasks that women carry out are described and the ways in which they interpret these tasks are also analyzed. Third, it seeks to problematize the notion of intimate jail visits and the sexualization of bodies during visits. Fourth, the moral classifications of the visitors are described. Finally, different forms of control to which women are subjected by detainees are analyzed. All points analyzed show that women perform essential work for the survival of male detainees. Furthermore, such work is carried out from subordinate positions, at the intersection of institutional and gender violence.



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Author Biography

Ines Mancini, Universidad Nacional de San Martín - Argentina

Doctora en Antropología Social por la Universidad Nacional de San Martín Magister en Antropología Social y política por FLACSO, Argentina. Investigadora Adjunta de CONICET. Profesora Adjunta de Escuela IDAES, Universidad Nacional de San Martín.


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How to Cite
Mancini, I. (2021). Gender relations in argentine prisons intersticies. Tensions around rights and care. Religación, 6(30), e210856.